Sister Amina on Islam: POLL: The results are in!!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

POLL: The results are in!!

Bismillah ir-rahman ir-raheem

Assalaam alaikum!

So. Insha'Allah, I plan to have one poll per month, and it is now September, so here are the poll results:

The question was: How confident are you in your knowledge about Islam?

There were 20 responses to the poll. 

-Zero people answered Alhamdulillah, I know a lot!
-Thirteen people (65%) answered I know a fair amount
-Seven people (35%) answered Not much
-Zero people answered I don't know anything!

So, alhamdulillah, it's good that no one feels they don't know anything. Unfortunately, no one knows a lot either. Insha'Allah, maybe we can change that together. If you answered the poll, please feel free to explain your answer in the comments section.

This month's poll is:

Which topic(s) would you be interested in reading more about?

-The Qur'an
-Hadith and Sunnah
-The five pillars
-Halal slaughter (Zabihah) 
-Marriage in Islam
-Women's issues
-The prophets
-The prophet Mohammad (SAW) specifically
-Comparative religion
-Jinn and magic
-Islamic history
-Islam and modern thought
-Nationalism and secularism
-Current events in Islam
-Other (please explain in comments section)

Please participate and tell your friends to participate too! The more feedback I get, the more motivated I feel to continue updating!!!


  1. They all sound interesting, but if I had to pick a few, I would choose the five pillars, marriage in Islam, women's issues, and jinn and magic. Thanks for keeping this blog going!

  2. I would love to learn about Comparative Religion (which I'm assuming means Islam's view on other major religions, specifically Abrahamic religions- Judaism and Christianity).

    Also, Jinn and magic because I am totally confused about what Jinn are.
